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Friday, March 7, 2008

Wealth Creation Traps: The Appearance Of Money

By Sean Rasmussen

A number of common traps keep the middle-class from maximizing their money-making potentials and succeeding in wealth creation. Among the most common wealth creation trap of the middle class is the "appearance of money".

What Is the Appearance Of Money?

The appearance of money, as might already have been guessed, is simply the need to buy and to have so that one looks like he or she (or they) have money. It grows out of the need to keep up with the neighbors, to be accepted, to live the way and have the things that they feel society says they should.

It is easy for the middle class to have the appearance of having money. Easy credit, bank loans, mortgages, car and automobile loans, all are designed to give the middle class the appearance they need; and to indebt the middle class to the banking institutions in the meanwhile. By playing on the psychology of the middle class, the banks create an everlasting cash flow for themselves. A cash flow that, although the middle class willing subjects themselves to, is at the expense of the middle class, at the expense of the middle class's financial success.

As long as the focus of life is on appearing wealthy, the focus is not appropriately placed on making money. But the only real way to be wealthy is to make money, create wealth, and achieve lasting financial success.

Don't The Wealthy Present The Appearance Of Money, Too?

It is a fallacy myth, that the rich struggle to keep up and appear wealthy. The wealthy present the appearance of money because they actually have money. It is not an appearance, it is their reality!

The reason that the wealthy have money is because they have properly placed their priorities. The wealthy shun status and focus on the real goal, financial freedom, and work to achieve it. Once they have, the wealthy are able to buy what they want and live the life they want to because they have the financial backing to do so.

The real difference between those who succeed in wealth creation and those who fail is based in a very large part in the goals set in the beginning.

- The middle class (referring to those unable to move beyond a work-for-pay lifestyle) focus on getting and having things.

- The wealthy focus on having money so that they can have things.

As Jamie McIntyre in the 21st Century Academy says, "Many people get caught up in appearing to be wealthy, instead of becoming wealthy." It is an unfortunate truth, but not one that is without hope of changing.

Just as appearing to be wealthy is a mindset psychology, so, too, is being wealthy. The choice can just as easily be made to really be wealthy as it can be to look wealthy. Making that choice, and re-prioritizing, is one of the first critical steps towards wealth creation and towards really financing the life of the wealthy.

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Sean Rasmussen is a stock market and property investor. He likes topics about communication and success. His wealth creation blog deals with topics of financial freedom and creating wealth.